Young investigator groups

Currently five young investigator groups are hosted at KIT in the Research Field Earth and Environment.
  Group name Group leader Institute Funding period, funded by

© R. Fuchs

Land Use Data Analysis and Modelling Dr. Richard Fuchs IMKIFU 2024-2029

© S. Benz

Geoinformatics for climate Resilient Urban SystemS (GRUSS) Dr. Susanne Benz IPF 2022-2028, Freigeist Fellowship

© A. Oertel

Mesoscale processes and Predictability Dr. Annika Oertel IMKTRO 2023-2027, BMDV

© J. Quinting

Meteorological Data Science Dr. Julian Quinting IMKTRO 2023-2028, ERC

© M. Klose

Mineral dust Dr. Martina Klose IMKTRO 2020-2026, HGF


 Former groups
Group name Group leader Institute Funding period, funded by
Airborne Cloud Observations Dr. Emma Järvinen IMKAAF 2020-2026, HGF
Large-scale Dynamics and Predictability Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Grams IMKTRO 2017-2023, HGF
Forests out of balance: The influence of extreme events on the carbon and water cycle Prof. Dr. Nadine Rühr IMKIFU 2016-2023, DFG
Cloud-radiative interactions with the North Atlantic storm track Prof. Dr. Aiko Voigt IMKTRO 2016-2022, BMBF
Climate change and land-use impacts on European bumblebee populations Dr. Penelope Whitehorn IMKIFU 2020-2021
Predictive models for extremes and high impact weather under climate change - PREMIUM Dr. Samiro Khodayar IMKTRO 2014-2019, BMBF
Capturing all relevant scales of biosphere-atmosphere exchange Prof. Dr. Matthias Mauder IMKIFU 2012-2018, HGF
Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases for Carbon Cycle Modelling - RemoteC Prof Dr. Andre Butz IMKASF 2011-2016, DFG
Multiplatform remote sensing of isotopologues for investigating the cycle of atmospheric water - MUSICA Dr. Matthias Schneider IMKASF 2011-2016, ERC
Solar variability, climate, and the role of the mesosphere / lower thermosphere Dr. Miriam Sinnhuber IMKASF 2011-2016, HGF
Aerosol effects on cloud ice, precipitation and climate Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose IMKAAF 2010-2016, HGF