1355Bastian Kirsch, IMKTRO
Climate research: better understanding of winter storms

KIT and partners investigate extreme wind speeds and conduct the first holistic study of weather systems over the North Atlantic.

1353KIT/Andreas Schmitt
First PINE data from the Southern Hemisphere

KIT researchers have successfully collected their first set of INP concentration data in the Southern Hemisphere using the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE) at the Kennaook Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station (KCG) in Tasmania, Australia. Since November 2024, PINE has been measuring the pristine atmosphere at KCG, which is known to have some of the cleanest air in the world.

New InnoPool project ACTUATE started

New Helmholtz-funded project ACTUATE explores climate adaptation scenarios to reduce the impact of future extreme events

1349Johann Kleer
Hail frequency in Germany: regional trends over the last 20 years

3D radar-based hail tracks reveal region-specific trends in Germany over the past 20 years.

International interest in fog research at IMKASF

Dr. Eva Pauli (SKL) recently shared insights from her current fog research at IMKASF in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and NASA's Earth Observatory blog „Image of the day“.

1345DIN e. V. privat
Award of the DIN Excellence Prize to AAF member and KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow Dr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn

The AAF member and KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow Dr. Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn was awarded the DIN Excellence Prize for his many years of active work as Chairman of the Presidential Committee "Research, Innovation, and Development".

1343James Daniell (CEDIM/KIT)
Better protection against flash floods through artificial intelligence?

New BMBF-funded joint project KI-HopE-De (Al-supported flood forecasting for small catchment areas in Germany) launched

1341Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
New tenure-track professor at IMKTRO

Martina Klose and her team investigate aerosols in the Earth system, especially mineral dust. For this purpose, they use and develop numerical models and field and laboratory measurements.

1338KIT/ Nsikanabasi Umo
Visiting scientist from KIST, South Korea, conducts new experiments at AIDAd

We recently welcomed Dr. Najin Kim from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), South Korea as visiting scientist at our institute. The visit is part of the ongoing KIST efforts to foster academic excellence and collaboration across borders. With her expertise in aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei studies, Dr. Kim conducts and leads novel experiment series at our new dynamic cloud simulation chamber AIDAd.

1336Kiese, KIT
GHG quantification of rice cropping systems

Workshop on quantifying GHG emissions, identifying and evaluating efficient mitigation options from rice systems at Giang University Vietnam with 30 participants from academia, ministries, national and provincial authorities.

1334Foto (privat)
2024 International Excellence Award of KIT Goes to Climatologist Chris Funk

Leading US Researcher Receives Prize Valued at up to EUR 50,000 for His Work on Early Warning and Forecasting Methods

Parliamentary breakfast

‘The climate impact of methane - an underestimated danger’. PD Dr Ralf Sussmann was invited to give an expert lecture in the Bundestag on the topic of ‘Measurement, reduction and reporting of methane emissions in the course of national implementation of the EU Methane Regulation’. Forwarding to Helmholtz.

1322Breig, KIT
From carbon sink to carbon source

The carbon dioxide uptake and conversion of forests was lower than its release in the years 2017-2022. ORF science report and interview with Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth on forest damage, forest conversion, rising temperatures and CO2 storage function. Forwarding to science.orf.at

1320Pankaj Kumar
Advancing Atmospheric Modeling with AI-Driven Aerosol Optical Properties Calculations

MieAI: Fast, accurate, and efficient aerosol optics modeling for climate, weather, and energy applications

1318Gholamali Hoshyaripour, KIT
Environmental research: Digital twins of planet Earth

For example, the ICON-ART model system enables predictions to be made about the distribution of mineral dust in the atmosphere.


KIT Climate Researcher Receives Award

Klaus Butterbach-Bahl received the Nobel Sustainability Trust Prize for his research into quantifying the environmental impact of agriculture.

1314Gabriella Wallentin
How well can a weather model represent Arctic multilayer clouds?

To simulate Arctic multilayer clouds, accurate thermodynamic profiles and efficient cloud ice formation mechanisms are required

1312Breig, KIT
„Highly Cited Researchers“

Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth Head of the Department “Global Land-Ecosystem Modelling” at KIT/ Campus Alpin is one of the “Highly Cited Researchers” in the Web of Science Group's ranking list.

1309Johannes Meger
Climate change: research for more heat protection in small communities

As part of the ICN, researchers from KIT and the University of Freiburg are working with the municipality of Ihringen to develop heat protection concepts to ensure the population's quality of life in the long term

Water Treatment: Nano Tubes Catch Steroid Hormones

KIT researchers investigate the removal of micropollutants in electrochemical electrochemical membrane reactor using carbon nanotubess

1302KIT/ Harald Saathoff
VOC emissions from trees in the black forest

In autumn 2024 we studied the impact of meteorological conditions on emissions of volatile organic compounds from beech and douglas fir trees at the new ECOSENSE station in the black forest. Emissions from individual leaves and fir needles at different locations in the canopy were measured on-line by mass spectrometry.

1300Philipp Gasch
AIRflows – a high-resolution revolution in airborne wind measurements

Novel Doppler lidar system resolves previously unattainable valley circulations during test flights in the Alps

A new project, Co-HYDIM-SA, aims to improve water security in Southern Africa.

Co-HYDIM-SA will improve water security for millions of people in Southern Africa who are currently enduring one of the worst drought to ever hit the region.

Workshop on remote sensing in Helmholtz

On 16 und 17 October Helmholtz scientists met for a workshop in Karlsruhe to discuss recent developments  in remote sensing of the Earth system.

1294H. Bovensmann (Universität Bremer)
2nd ITMS General Assembly on the Campus North of KIT

During the 2nd General Assembly, 90 scientists from more than 25 institutions met to discuss the status of the joint research project, present results and plan the next steps.

1290KIT/Alexander Böhmländer
ACTRIS Head Office visits Topical Centre for Cloud In-Situ Measurements

The new ACTRIS (Aerosol Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) General Director Eija Juurola and Senior Officer Niku Kivekäs visited the Topical Centre for Cloud In-Situ Measurements situated at IMK-AAF.

peter-braesicke-20231013-MB-01-005Markus Breig, KIT
New Head of Research and Development at DWD

Peter Braesicke moves from KIT to the Deutsche Wetterdienst at the beginning of September 2024.

Award for Alexander Streili

At this year's summer reception, the KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e. V. (KFG) honored Alexander Streili, among others, for the innovative design of the emergency safety device for the pipe supply lines for the IAGOS-CARIBIC system. Our warmest congratulations!

How can a warmer North Atlantic Ocean influence the weather in Western Europe?

In the last two years, sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic were record-breaking. For a case study from February 2019, we investigate how sea surface temperature can affect weather patterns in Europe.

1277Thomas Leisner
9th International Symposium on Ultrafine Particles

Recent scientific progress in the field of ultrafine particles (UFP), the smallest constituents of airborne particulate matter, on air quality, climate, and human health were discussed on the 9th EFCA Ultrafine Particles Symposium. This included a dialogue with policymakers on the revision of the European Ambient Air Quality Directive for UFP. The symposium took place on July 3 - 4 in Brussels, Belgium. It is co-organized by KIT, GUS, CEEES, and EFCA and chaired by the head of IMK-AAF, Prof. Thomas Leisner.

1275M. Höpfner
Stratospheric balloon flies from Sweden to Canada (TRANSAT 2024)

The newly developed imaging FTIR spectrometer GLORIA-Lite was flown in a stratospheric balloon from Kiruna (northern Sweden) over Greenland to Baffin Island (Canada) from June 22 to 26, 2024. During this flight, the atmospheric composition was measured between 5 and 40 km altitude.

Fink_heat-wavesMagali Hauser, KIT
We need to protect ourselves much better against coming heat waves

Meteorologist Andreas Fink of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) warns of unprecedented heat waves and their consequences for health, and he explains how Germany should prepare for them.

New mathematical methods to decipher African meteorology

Machine learning and statistical emulators help to better understand and forecast the complex weather and climate of tropical Africa

CEDIM FDA Report “Exceptional precipitation and flooding in southern Germany in June 2024”

While the flood was still in progress, CEDIM researchers carried out an initial historical classification of the event and categorized regions according to the degree of expected damage.

1265Hauser, KIT
Extreme weather events over small catchment areas

Interview with Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann on intense precipitation events over small catchment areas. The connection between the position of the precipitation cell, its influence on the runoff calculation and advanced  flood water forecasting. Interview from minute 06:23. Forwarding to ARD media library.

1265Zachmann, KIT
Increase in Vb-weather conditions

Climate change, the increase of Vb-low pressure areas, longer-lasting weather conditions, increase of extreme weather events, higher humidity due to warmer temperatures and the current flood event. Interview with Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann from minute 23:26. Forwarding to ARD media library.

1261Andreas Wieser
KITcube receives new Lidar systems for water vapor profiles

Five new DIAL profilers extend the KITcube measuring system with continuous measurements of water vapor profiles in the boundary layer

1258NASA Worldview
Windstorm losses in Europe – What to gain from damage datasets

A combination of different datasets is crucial to obtain a representative picture of windstorm associated impacts.

1256Susanna Mohr
Hail Conference at KIT: Researchers from all over the world meet

A combination of different datasets is crucial to obtain a representative picture of windstorm associated impacts.

1254Guy Pe'er
Biodiversity, land use and climate change

Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth investigates the influence of land use and climate change on terrestrial habitats and the associated biodiversity. Forwarding to science.org

1252Uli Regenscheit, Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg
Prof. Dr. Arneth awarded the Order of Merit of Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth  has been awarded the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg for her research work linking climate science and biodiversity. Forwarding to baden-wuerttemberg.de

1250Agnes Meyer-Brandis
Chasing the secrets of snowflakes

6-week field campaign by researchers from KIT and Leipzig University in wintry Finland

1248Andreas. H. Fink
Challenges and prospects for improved weather and climate services in Africa

To adapt to climate change, Africa needs long-term investment in scientific infrastructure and careers in meteorology

1246Vogelmann, KIT
Lidar aerosol measurements to evaluate environmental pollution

Lidar aerosol measurements by Dr. Hannes Vogelmann as part of the trans-European measuring network "Actris" show influences from Saharan dust up to an altitude of 5 km. Forwarding to Merkur.de

1244Piatka, KIT
Ammonia emissions from liquid manure spreading

Researchers at Campus Alpin are investigating whether spreading liquid manure close to the ground on grassland results in significantly lower ammonia emissions compared to conventional methods, even at cool air temperatures. Forwarding to the ARD media library.

1242Kunstmann, KIT
German Hydrology Prize 2024

Prof. Dr. H. Kunstmann from the IMK-IFU Campus Alpin receives the German Hydrology Award 2024 for his research on the topic of water as a resource: water availability, climate phenomena and modeling of hydrological processes.

1240Hans Schipper
The IMKTRO presentation globe in the Triangle

From April to June, the presentation globe advertises meteorological research at KIT at a prominent location on Kronenplatz.

Weather Forecast: Prediction of the Distribution of Mineral Dust in the Atmosphere

With the model system ICON-ART developed by KIT, the DWD will be able to improve its energy

forecasts by predicting mineral dust and its effects on radiation.

An updated review on challenges of climate change in Germany

The new edition of the book "Klimawandel in Deutschland" shows the challenges of climate change in Germany and offers approaches for adaptation

Fabian Mockert was awarded the Climate Prize of the Reinhard-Süring Foundation

The prize honors his research on Dunkelflauten (a compound event of low wind and solar energy yield) in Germany and their relation with large-scale weather patterns.

1232Crossmedia, KIT
German Hydrology Prize 2024

Prof. Dr. H. Kunstmann from the IMK-IFU Campus Alpin receives the German Hydrology Award 2024 for his research on the topic of water as a resource: water availability, climate phenomena and modeling of hydrological processes.

1230Horvath, AWI
Landscape classification and reforestation

Relationship between the success of reforestation projects in Africa and the quality of small-scale landscape ecosystem classification. Forwarding to sciencemediacenter.de

1228Jonas Zilius, KIT
Climate change in Europe

Consequences in Bavaria: longer and more frequent dry spells, stress on ecosystems and influence on economic developments. Interview with Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann. Forwarding to www.br.de

1226Crossmedia, KIT
Increase in climate risks

Increasing extreme weather events and their consequences for the environment, the economy and social life. Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann on the regional effects. Forwarding to www.br.de

Hailstorms in South America and Australia

Valuable data for the insurance industry: Satellite data is used to estimate the spatial distribution and return periods of hail.

1219Hyunju Jung
New insights into disagreement between models about tropical rainfall

A simple diagnostic tool elucidates why mean rainfall differs in tropical aquachannel simulations with different configurations

Climate research: ICON weather and climate model goes open source

Public access brings greater transparency to science and enables collaborative efforts to improve environmental forecasting worldwide

1215Markus Breig
Sustainability Innovation Campus launched

The South German Climate Office was successful with a start-up project for heat adaptation in small municipalities in Baden-Württemberg

1213Helmholtz-Earth and Environment
“EE meets EP” – Helmholtz Program “Earth and Environment” meets European Parliament

A delegation of researchers from seven Helmholtz centers traveled to Brussels to engage with political and other stakeholders around the European Union

1211Markus Breig, KIT
Changing winters

Rising snow line, shorter snowfall periods, temperature increase of up to 4°C by 2050. Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann on winter climate change in the Alps. Interview from minute 06:30. Forwarding to DW Travel.

1209Amadeuss Bramsiepe, KIT
Altitude distribution of greenhouse gases

Dr. Rer. Nat. Hannes Vogelmann uses LIDAR to measure the height distribution of aerosols and water vapor on the Schneefernerhaus. Interview from Minute 01:40. Forwarding to Klimawandel meistern.

1207KIT/Markus Breig
Guided tour package "(Small particles, big) climate research" - AIDA is part of the KIT campus tour

The campus tours at KIT Campus North have been revised and have been given a modern booking system. In addition to a general lecture on the main areas of research at KIT and the tour of the campus, scientific and technical facilities can also be visited. The employees themselves now provide insights into the facility and the daily tasks and issues.
AIDA is a bookable tour package and can be visited on Wednesdays between 09:30 and 11:00 am and on Thursdays between 12:30 and 14:00 pm.

ICON goes open source

The renowned weather and climate model ICON is now being made available to society under an open source licence with the participation of KIT researchers.

1200Markus Breig, KIT
Threat to tree species worldwide

Habitat fragmentation and land use change threaten 65% of tree species in the Atlantic rainforest, 43% of tree species worldwide and 82% of regional tree species. Forwarding to mdr.

Dr. Daniel Cziczo lecture in KIT International Excellence Talks series available

The International Excellence Talk by Daniel Cziczo on Nov 29, 2023 entitled

Improving our understanding of Earth’s upper troposphere and lower stratosphere by combining aircraft and laboratory studies

is now available online. In his talk, Daniel Cziczo reviews how aircraft measurements and laboratory studies have been, and will continue to be used to better understand atmospheric chemistry, precipitation and our climate.

AGU Geophysical Monograph on Clouds and Their Climatic Impacts

New book edited by Sylvia C. Sullivan and Corinna Hoose explores the complexity of clouds.

How hot will our summers get?

A high-resolution climate simulation ensemble reveals the future development of heatwaves with climate change and the local heat stress for southern Germany.

1192Crossmedia, KIT
New record for carbon dioxide emissions

Interview with Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth on CO2 emissions and the use of natural resources and strategies to lower emissions through ecosystem management. Forwarding to Tagesschau.

1190Harald Kunstmann, KIT

KIT and ICPAC join forces to spotlight early warning systems and present SPS Blue Nile at COP28. Forwarding to the BMBF initiative GRoW.

Investigation of aerosols and air quality in Munich

In a joint project by the Universities of Munich (LMU, TU), Harvard and KIT, the air quality in Munich is comprehensively investigated. The aim of the project is to understand air pollution processes and improve air quality in the long term.
Initial measurements of aerosol particles and trace gases were carried out in August 2023 using a city-wide sensor network, mobile observations, remote sensing methods and detailed chemical analysis. KIT contributes reference measurements with mass spectrometers and an aerosol lidar. The results are now linked to models in order to develop strategies to improve air quality.

Andreas Fink_537Andreas Fink
Andreas Fink on tipping points in the climate system

Melting of West Antarctica seems inevitable - but don't lose sight of positive trends

Globus-4Jahreszeiten_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgmodus media/Dominika Rogocka mit einem Foto von Markus Breig, KIT
World Climate Conference

Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann: "Early warning systems for all are a contribution to greater climate justice".

2023_099_Hochaufgeloeste Niederschlagska_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgLuca Glawion, KIT
High-resolution precipitation maps using AI

Researchers at KIT have used deep learning to improve both the spatial and temporal resolution of coarse precipitation maps for the first time.

OM_Regenmessung Afrika_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgChristian Chwala, KIT
Water management: Better rain measurements in West Africa thanks to mobile phone network

Researchers at KIT Campus Alpin are using data from the mobile phone network to create rainfall maps in West Africa in order to improve flood forecasting in the data-poor region.

2023_100_Kosten der Klimakrise_Rettungsschirm fuer bedrohte Nationen_72dpi_rdax_160x90s.jpgBildagentur PantherMedia/DogoraSun (YAYMicro)
Costs of the climate crisis: rescue package for threatened nations

International study ahead of COP28: Public-private partnerships could help protect developing countries from the financial consequences of climate change

Bridging-Spheres-Website_quadratisch_386x386 - Kopie.jpg
Application for Bridging Spheres Pop-up Campus open

Bridging Spheres Pop-up Campus is a 5-day Helmholtz top event in science communication that brings together the spheres of science, media, public and policymaking. It will take place April 8-12, 2024 at KIT Campus Alpin in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

2023_096_KIT plant Klimaforschung im Wel_rdax_1024x576_98s.JPGKIT
KIT is planning for climate research in space

The CAIRT satellite mission aims to clarify how the Earth's atmosphere reacts to climate change.

To CAIRT website

news_Cziczo_KITfellow_rdax_1024x683_98s.jpgDaniel J. Cziczo
Dr. Daniel Cziczo started fellowship at IMK-AAF

Dr. Daniel Cziczo was named KIT International Excellence fellow and has started his visit to the IMK-AAF beginning of October. The IMK-AAF and Daniel Cziczo are linked by years of excellent joint research in the laboratory as well as in the field. During his visit, we will work on new instrument developments and perform AIDA campaigns to validate instruments and elucidate recent aircraft observations made by Cziczo and his team.

We are honored and delighted to have Dan with us and are looking forward to our collaboration.

20231109_123159_crop_rdax_1024x613_98s.jpgM. Höpfner (KIT-IMK-ASF)
Dr. Sören Johansson receives the award for the best HALO publication

During the HALO (High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft) Symposium on 9 November 2023, Dr. Sören Johansson received the award for the best HALO publication 2023 for his work on upper atmosphere pollution from fires in the Amazonian region.

Energiewende_News_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Discussion on the energy transition in the Oberland up to the year 2035

Expert panel and panel discussion on the Oberland energy transition (EWO), which envisages the switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies by 2035. Forwarding to Merkur.

Serial clustering of different weather extremes

This project investigates temporal clustering of different extremes based on building insurance data and with respect to potential meteorological triggers

20201105-CA-02-002_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgMarkus Rettinger, KIT
Gaseous water vapor in the atmosphere

Water vapor is a natural greenhouse gas. ARD SMS - Schwanke meets Science reports on the measurement of the water vapor concentration in the atmosphere above  Mt. Zugspitze at the Schneefernerhaus environmental research station. Forwarding to the ARD-Mediathek.

Evelyne_Appo_rdax_98.PNGTourè, Appolinaire
Humboldt Research Fellows from Ivory Coast and Cameroon at KIT

Evelyne Touré and Appolinaire Vondou visited  IMK-TRO to conduct research on extreme rainfall and air pollution in Africa

2023_079_Nachhaltigere Landwirtschaft durch globale Umverteilung von Stickstoffduenger_1_72 dpi_rdax_160x92s.jpgMarkus Breig, KIT
More sustainable agriculture through global redistribution of nitrogen fertiliser

Models show that an even global distribution of nitrogen fertilizers could significantly reduce total global fertilization and the resulting environmental impact

Vogel_EAA_ Award_Teaser_rdax_98.pngOttmar Möhler, KIT
Dr. Bernhard Vogel receives the European Aerosol Assembly Award 2023

Recognition for the development of the online-coupled meteorological and aerosol-chemistry models COSMO-ART and ICON-ART

DSC01771_rdax_1024x683_98s.JPGJan Cermak, KIT
Dr. Eva Pauli received the 2023 award of the Wilhelm-Lauer-Foundation

In the course of a festive event in Frankfurt on 21 September 2023, Dr. Eva Pauli received the 2023 award of the Wilhelm-Lauer-Foundation.

Data assimilation: More accurate weather forecasts through additional measurements

KIT Researchers Investigate to What Extent the Quality of Weather Forecasts Can be Improved by Additional Measurement Data

aida-20200714-CN-02-018_rdax_1024x576_98s.jpgMarkus Breig, KIT
Virtual insight into cloud research at KIT

Researchers study cloud formation in the AIDAc simulation chamber - interested parties can visit facility from home

worldview_teaser_rdax_98.pngNASA Worldview
Dispersion and Aging of Aerosols after La Soufrière Eruption 2021

The first direct comparision of modeled and observed aerosol aging after a volcanic eruption.

KIT_PI_2023_061_Globale-Hitzewelle-2023_rdax_1024x576_98s_neu_rdax_98s.jpgBernhard Mühr, KIT
Global Heat Wave 2023: July Brought Hottest Three Weeks Ever

KIT researchers publish report on this year's temperature records in the northern hemisphere - Italy was by far heat hotspot in Europe

Phileas-Kampagne_rdax_1024x413_98s.jpgHans Nordmeyer, KIT
GLORIA aircraft campaign PHILEAS over the Mediterranean and Alaska

In August and September 2023, the IMK-ASF uses the infrared spectrometer GLORIA on the research aircraft HALO to investigate atmospheric pollution at 5-14 km altitude caused by forest fires as well as by the Asian monsoon.
more informations
To the PHILEAS Helmholtz-Blog

First multi-model assessment of the sub-seasonal predictive skill for weather regimes

A recent study assesses the performance by numerical models in predicting flow situations of high interest for numerous socio-economic sectors.

2023_056_Klimaschutz_Kohlenstoffsenke schrumpft durch Landnutzungsaenderungen_72dpi_rdax_160x90s.jpgFoto: Gabi Zachmann, KIT
Climate protection: The carbon sink is shrinking due to land use changes

Researchers recalculate carbon stores in Eastern Europe using models, satellite data and statistics

news_SwabianMOSES2023_Jens_rdax_98s.jpgKIT/ Jens Nadolny
Do aerosol particles influence extreme weather events? Measurements on the Feldberg.

In June and July 2023, we measure the number, size, composition and ice nucleation capacity of aerosol particles on the Feldberg (1493 m asl.). Within the framework of the Swabian MOSES campaign, we investigate in particular the role of aerosols in extreme weather events.

20230724-AB-01-006 - News_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
New planetary dome for the atmospheric observatory on Zugspitze

Atmospheric measurements, representative of the northern hemisphere, to determine long- and shortlived climate-/ healthdamaging gases. Forwarding to Tagesschau and KIT.

news_PINE_JFJ_20230627_small_rdax_1024x683_98s.jpgLarissa Lacher, KIT
Intercomparison of ice nucleating particle instruments at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch

In July and August 2023, our cloud chamber PINE (Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment) is measuring ice nucleating particles (INPs) at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, next to the INP-instrument HINC-auto (automated Horizontal Ice Nucleation Chamber) operated by ETH Zürich. This is a first campaign to validate INP instruments used within the ACTRIS Cloud In Situ network.

pangu_klein_rdax_98.pngJ. Quinting
Machine learning-based weather forecasts now available at kit-weather.de

The Pangu Weather algorithm developed by Huawei provides cost-effective and energy-saving weather forecasts

sahel-IMG_1256_rdax_1200x675s.jpgHarald Kunstmann, KIT
Climate change: effects of reforestation on rainfall in the Sahel.

KIT Researchers Investigate How a Renaturation Initiative in the African Sahel Affects Rainfall on Site

1102Susanna Mohr
On the hunt for thunderstorms and hail....

...with hail sondes and drones for a better understanding of hail formation - Training successfully completed

Make your living room a cloud chamber

Recently, the AIDA Atmospheric Simulation Chamber celebrated its 25th year of operation. For the anniversary, we produced a virtual tour of the AIDA laboratory in collaboration with the KIT Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML).
Explore the worldwide unique AIDA Atmospheric Simulation Chamber virtually, take a look inside the chamber and learn more about different measuring instruments and methods in the daily work of our scientists during your tour.

2023_039_Dem Gewitter auf der Spur – vom Quellwoelkchen bis zur Grundwasserbildung_72 dpi_rdax_160x90s.jpgAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
On the trail of thunderstorms – from spring clouds to groundwater formation

Measurement campaign in the Black Forest investigates extreme weather in order to better understand and predict their causes and consequences

Over East Asia flutters a butterfly ...

The heat was unprecedented: in the summer of 2021, the western U.S. and western Canada suffered from scorching sun.

Mole_Ghana_2_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgFrank Neidl, KIT
WASCAL/CONCERT Mole National Park station setup 2023 (Ghana)

Setup of Eddy-Covarianz-Station to measure emission of greenhouse gases in Ghana

MICOS_samples_teaser_rdax_98s.jpgSebastian Vergara Palacio
The hard core of clouds - Cloud-ice crystals

For outstanding teaching in the Introduction Week for international first-year students in the MSc Meteorology and Climate Physics

SWABIAN MOSES 2023 Teaser_rdax_98.pngAndreas Wieser
Thunderstorm observation from the first cloud to hail damage

IMK-TRO leads Swabian MOSES measurement campaign to study thunderstorms and heavy precipitation around the Black Forest region

pi_actris_eric_Markus_Neumann_rdax_98s.jpgMarkus Neumann
ACTRIS officially recognized worldwide by EU regulation

The European Commission has awarded the ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) research infrastructure its ERIC status.
The IMK-AAF is leading the topical center "Cloud in-situ" for the direct measurement of cloud processes, together with colleagues from the Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig and the Sonnblick Observatory (Geopshere Austria), Vienna.

2023_029_Klima- und Biodiversitaetskrise duerfen nicht isoliert betrachtet werden.jpgAnastasiya Sultanova, KIT
Considering the Connections between Biodiversity and Climate Crisis

New overview study provides solutions for mitigating climate change and species loss

LSDP_Grams_Teaser_rdax_98.pngQuinting, Julian (IMK)
Wie warm conveyor belts die Hitzewelle 2021 in Nordamerika beeinflussten

Warm conveyor belts that occurred in conjunction with low pressure systems over the North Pacific influenced the forecast for the record-breaking heat wave in western North America during the summer of 2021.

The Portuguese wildfires in 2017 as multivariate high-impact weather event

Compound weather and climate events: the analysis of the October 2017 wildfires in Portugal and implications for end user guidance

20220716-KH-02-001_Ausschnittt_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgKira Heid, KIT
Hannes Vogelmann and the laboratory on Germany's highest mountain

The story describes how the KIT scientist uses lasers to monitor the atmosphere.

1053Fabian Mockert
Using weather regimes to better predict Dunkelflauten in Germany?

Periods of low wind and solar power output in combination with cold temperatures can stress the energy system.

20220314-MB-01-131_Ausschnitt_rdax_1024x633_98s.jpgMarkus Breig, KIT
Climate change and skiing

Harald Kunstmann gives information and an outlook in the ZDF interview.

2022_104_Klimaforschung Praezisere und effizientere Wettervorhersagen_1_72dpi.jpgAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Climate Research: More Precise and Efficient Weather Forecasts

Julian Quinting from KIT Receives ERC Starting Grant - ASPIRE Project Increases Reliability of Weather Forecasts and Reduces Computational Costs and Energy Consumption

AAF_News_ICEFELD_rdax_1024x744_98.pngKIT / Alexei Kiselev 
FWF and DFG approve funding of Austrian - German research project ICEFELD

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and DFG has approved funding of a bilateral Austrian - German research project “Ice-nucleation activity of alkali feldspar in aerosol” (ICEFELD). This highly interdisciplinary project combining geo-materials science, atmospheric ice formation research, and computational physics will be carried out in collaboration between the cloud microphysics research group at IMK-AAF and University of Vienna.

IMPACTS_2023Emma Järvinen (KIT)
Chasing winter storms

A three-year long science program, IMPACTS, is launching it’s final phase to improve snowfall prediction. Advanced remote sensing and in-situ instruments will fly over the eastern seaboard to identify key processes and improve forecasting. The study aims to increase understanding of snowband formation and the microphysical characteristics of snow particles, thus improving prediction and public safety.

AI_network_earthDWD/Jannik Wilhelm
Better weather forecasts thanks to artificial intelligence?

KIT researchers and members of national weather services discuss new "playground" to explore the benefits of machine learning in weather forecasting.

Evolution_idealized-cycloneBehrooz Kesthgar
Interaction between clouds and radiation affects extratropical cyclones

Cloud radiative heating and cooling have a substantial impact on the dynamics and predictability of an idealized extratropical cyclone.

Wolken_AtmosphärenforschungMarkus Breig, KIT
Atmospheric Research: 10 Years of Successful Use of Passenger Aircraft for Measuring Air Composition

Long-term Research Project with KIT Participation Presents Successful Results.

Collage_HighlyCited_ResearchersKIT; Georg Kronenberg
"Highly Cited Researchers" from KIT

Six KIT Researchers Are Among the Most Cited Scientists Worldwide This Year

Christian Scharun wins South German Science Slam Championships

With his victory at the South German Championships, Christian Scharun qualified for the German Science Slam finals.

HGF-challenge_KIT_Swabian-MOSESSusanna Mohr
Helmholtz Challenge

Understanding natural hazards and being better prepared for them.

HGF_klimaresiliente-StadtDavid Marschalsky
How we make our Cities fit for the Future

HELMHOLTZ CLIMATE INITIATIVE: Parliamentary Evening "The Climate Resilient City"

Inntal_TEAMxNevio Babic
Tributary outflows in the Inn Valley during the TEAMx pre-campaign

Coupling two KITcube Doppler wind lidars enabled a novel perspective of tributary valley outflows during stable nighttime conditions

treibhausgas-monitoring_20220511-MB-01-002-1_rdax_1200x675sMarkus Breig, KIT
Atmospheric research: Better greenhouse gas monitoring for Germany

With the help of a monitoring system, sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Germany are to be better recorded and monitored in the future.

atmosphaerenforschung_kit_rdax_1200x675sAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
KIT among the Top 100 in the World in Eleven Disciplines

KIT performs well in the U.S. News University Ranking 2022-2023 - seven top places nationally

Time for Change

Pilot project at IMK-TRO to realize more equal opportunities and appreciation of diversity

PaCE_stationKIT/Alexander Böhmländer
Investigating ice-nucleating particles in a sub-Arctic region

Skywalker UAVs are used to sample ice-nucleating particles (INPs) up to 2 km, aiming to better understand the difference between ground-based and cloud-level INP measurements.

Messkampagne_Jordanien_Okt-2022Martina Klose
On the track of the secret of giant dust particles

Unprecendented international field campaign in Jordan starts.

klimaforschung-AfrikaMarlon Maranan
Tracking the Weather: Climate Research in Africa

With its climate research in Africa, KIT makes valuable contributions to flood protection and the preservation of the rainforest.

Mara-ostafrika_rdax_1200x675sRicky Mwanake, KIT
Climate Crisis: African inland waters underestimated as sources of greenhouse gases

KIT researchers investigate seasonal influence of African streams and rivers on greenhouse gas emissions

COMPASS Mentoring Program

A new Helmholtz Mentoring Program aimed at postdocs and science managers in the research field Earth & Environment will start in January 2023. Applications are open from 19 September.

StratosphärenballonMichael Höpfner, KIT
Atmospheric Research: Stratospheric Balloon launched in Canada

KIT researchers support ESA satellite preparations by measurements at an altitude of 36 kilometers

How dangerous is heat for trees?

Heat waves with extreme temperatures and droughts will no longer be rare in the future. Humans and the environment must learn to adapt to these conditions. Nadine Rühr explains how trees react to the heat.

RinderherdeKlaus Butterbach-Bahl, KIT
Heat stress in North Africa: Ensuring milk production with goats and camels

Switching from cattle to camel and goat farming promotes more sustainable and ensured milk production in the arid regions of Northern Africa

https://www.kit.edu/kit/31121.phpAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Between Sky and Earth: Open House at Campus Alpin

For 68 years, the KIT Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research in Garmisch-Partenkirchen has been researching urgent climate and environmental issues

2022_067_Klimawandel und Landnutzungsaenderungen beguenstigen Hochwasserereignisse_1_72dpiDominik Kuhn
Climate change and land use changes favor flood events

Current studies on the flood disaster in the Eifel region in 2021 and on the future development of such extreme events

2022_053_Wolken spielten wichtige Rolle in der Klimageschichte_72dpiIMK-TRO
Clouds have played an important role in climate history

Global models show a significant influence of clouds on the evolution of the Earth's climate and the evolutionary conditions of life

2022_044_Klimaforschung_Ultrafeinstaub koennte Wetterextreme verursachen_72dpiBodenbender
Climate Research: Ultrafine Particulate Matter Could Cause Weather Extremes

KIT Researchers Verify Global Increase of Ultrafine Particles from Exhaust Fumes of Fossil Fuels and Warn of Significant Weather Effects

2022_042_Junger Klimaforscher aus dem KIT gewinnt FameLab Deutschland_72 dpiSarah Jonek/Bielefeld Marketing GmbH
Young Climate Researcher from KIT wins FameLab Germany

Christian Scharun convinced both jury and audience with his presentation and won the national final of the science competition

2022_037_Hannover Messe 2022_Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zusammen gedacht_72dpiMarkus Breig, KIT
Hannover Messe 2022: Digitalization and Sustainability Considered in One Context

KIT Presents Innovative Technology Developments at the Two Main Booths in the "Future Hub" and at "Energy Solutions“

2022_009_Landnutzung-Plaedoyer fuer einen gerechten Artenschutz_72dpiMarkus Breig, KIT
Land Use: Plea for a Fair Protection of Species

A Study with KIT Participation Sheds Light on the Conflict of Goals between Biodiversity and Food Security in Land Use

Environmental Research: Plant Growth in the Anthropocene

In a meta-study, KIT researchers are investigating how plant growth reacts to the anthropogenic greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and ozone in the atmosphere.

2021_111_Leibniz-Preis fuer Almut Arneth_72dpiGabi Zachmann, KIT
Leibniz Prize for Almut Arneth

KIT ecosystem researcher receives Germany's most important research prize - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize honoured with 2.5 million Euros

Comments on the coalition agreement

The new German government begins its work today. Climate policy is to play a more important role in the future. But what are the climate policy goals of the coalition agreement between the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP? Four statements by scientists from centres of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative. 

Collage_Highly-Cited-Researchers_2021_rdax_1200x675KIT; Georg Kronenberg; privat
"Highly Cited Researchers" from KIT

Seven KIT researchers are among the most cited scientists worldwide this year. Evaluation from 2010 to 2020.

A Clock without a Cuckoo - The Black Forest in Climate Change

When the climate changes, it is also affecting the weather. Hans Schipper from the South German Climate Office explained at TEDx KIT how one is connected to the other and what all this has to do with the cuckoo. 

Staubemission-in-Island_Nsikanabasi_Umo_rdax_1200x675Nsikanabasi Umo, KIT
Climate research: Effects of dust from a cold desert

International field campaign investigates emission, transport and composition of dust in Iceland

2021_074_Biodiversitaet_Landnutzung als Bedrohung und Chance fuer Hummeln_72dpiPenelope Whitehorn, KIT
Biodiversity: Land Use – Threat to and Opportunity for Bumblebees

KIT Researchers Investigate the Effect of Land Use Changes on European Bumblebee Species under a Changing Climate

Messballons-vor-Abflug_rdax_1200x675Hans Nordmeyer, IMK-ASF/KIT
Atmospheric Research: Balloon Measurement Campaign in Sweden

KIT Researchers and Partners jointly investigate Relationships in the Earth System in High Air Layers

2021_073_Bessere Vorhersagen fuer Luftqualitaet, Wetter und Klima_72dpiMarkus Neumann
Better Forecasts for Air Quality, Weather, and Climate

Atmospheric research in Germany significantly expanded with ACTRIS-D - KIT extends its capabilities to solve current climate issues

forschungsflugzeug-HALO_rdax_1200x675Emma Järvinen, KIT
Atmospheric research: Ice clouds warm the Arctic

Scientists use the HALO research aircraft to study the climate impact of cirrus clouds.

Verwüstung Bad MünstereifelBernd März, Unwetter-Freaks
Flood Risks Were Significantly Underestimated

CEDIM presents report on flood disaster in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia - Damages could exceed ten billion euros

Andreas Fink, Christian Grams, Julian Quinting: Severe weather in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate

"The current event is beyond any previous observations for many parameters. The very high amounts of precipitation in a short period of time, the relatively large area affected, and the high discharge rates of small and medium-sized streams as well as rivers are extreme."

Kleine_Eiskristalle_AtmosphärenforschungFritz Waitz, KIT
Atmospheric research: Small ice crystals with a big effect

KIT and the University of Vienna Researchers Investigate the Influence of small Atmospheric Ice Crystals in the Earth's Climate System

Swabian MOSESMelissa Körlin, KIT
Jannik Wilhelm, Michael Kunz, Andreas Wieser: The Swabian MOSES Team on the hail storm in the Neckar valley

With several thousand lightning strikes, hail up to five centimeters in diameter and heavy rainfall, which led to numerous flooded roadways and flooding of smaller rivers, a heavy hailstorm passed over southern Germany on 06/23/2021. 

CAIRT Laila Tkotz
Atmospheric Research: The CAIRT Satellite Concept Selected as a Candidate for "Earth Explorer 11”

ESA Has Selected Four Candidates for a New Earth Observation Satellite – KIT’s Proposal Focuses on Changes in the Earth's Atmosphere.

2020_109_Klimawandel verschlimmert Biodiversitaetsschwund_72dpiAlmut Arneth
Almut Arneth: Climate protection, biodiversity and social justice must be thought of together

We need to think climate protection and environmental protection together. Measures that focus solely on climate protection, for example, can also have a negative impact on biodiversity and society.

atmosphaerenforschung-20200722-CN-04-070_rdax_1200x675.jpgAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Shanghai Ranking: KIT on Top Positions

Atmospheric Research, Energy Management, and Metallurgy at KIT in Global Comparison. Five subjects rank first in Germany.

KlimaresilienzHarald Kunstmann, KIT
More climate resilience through improved seasonal forecasts

More precise seasonal meteorological predictions for water-scarce regions by statistical methods from KIT help decision makers to mitigate the local consequences of climate change.

PIKarina Winkler, KIT
Global Land-use Changes Larger than Estimated

KIT researchers verify with the help of a new set of maps that land-use changes are four times larger than previously assumed

2021_041_kitcube_rdax_1024x576_98Andreas Wieser, KIT
From Thunderstorms to Heavy Rain to Droughts

Research alliance launches measurement campaign relating to hydro-meteorological extremes in the Swabian Jura.

A350Thorsten Gehrlein
Airbus A350 Becomes a Research Aircraft

In the IAGOS-CARIBIC research infrastructure coordinated by KIT, a 1.7-ton measurement laboratory is used in the cargo hold of a converted passenger aircraft.

10th anniversary of the European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA)

The European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) celebrates its 10th anniversary on 10 March 2021. Interview with climate researcher Peter Braesicke, Chair of the Alliance.

EHW2021_Punge_PI_rdax_98.pngPunge, Heinz Jürgen
Hail: Danger from the sky grows

Hailstorms cause severe damage - and as a result of climate change, they are expected to occur more frequently and more intensely in the future. To discuss the current state of hail research, the IMK-TRO hosted the 3rd European Hail Workshop from 15 to 18 March 2021.

SchneefernerhausHannes Vogelmann, KIT
Ozone Decrease due to Corona Lockdown

KIT shows a record decrease of seven percent in the free troposphere with infrared measurements at Zugspitze.

Protecting and Managing Forests with AIDominic Hohlbaum/ Triebfeder
Protecting and Managing Forests with AI

KIT and EDI GmbH Develop Intelligent Assistance System for Forest Management under a Changing Climate – New Interactive Video of the Series “Sachen machen mit KI”

StarkregenWolfgang Bader
Climate Change: Protection against Floods

IT researchers study the effects of heavy rainfall in southern Germany to develop recommendations for municipalities.

Cloud ObservationMarkus Breig, KIT
Leading Role of KIT in Cloud Observation

KIT Researchers Set Up and Manage the Topical Center CIS for Direct Measurement of Cloud Properties – Part of the European Research Infrastructure ACTRIS
